Brussels — The European Commission published today it’s “Progress Report towards an effective and genuine Security Union”. This report includes the first reporting following the publication in March of the Recommendation on measures to effectively tackle illegal content online.
The Computer & Communications Industry Association shares the Commission’s goal of fighting illegal content online and welcomes its acknowledgment that progress has been made by online platforms.
Online platforms have indeed demonstrated their commitment to offer a safe user experience online e.g. by constantly improving their notice and takedown mechanisms or by participating in many EU-led initiatives.
However, the measures introduced in the March Recommendation undermines freedom of expression online and conflicts with the EU’s e-Commerce Directive. This Recommendation introduces a one hour deadline for the takedown of terrorist content, incentivising companies to remove all reported content. It also encourages the broad adoption of proactive automated measures to remove content, which may lead to widespread online censorship.
The following can be attributed to CCIA Senior Policy Manager Maud Sacquet:
“Online companies are committed to continue fighting against illegal content and to provide a safe experience online. Industry cooperation and dialogue with stakeholders, including European governments, are proving to be an effective approach. Rushed legislation could have damaging consequences for online companies and user rights.”
For media inquiries, please contact Heather Greenfield