·  by Shiva Stella

Public Knowledge Files Amicus Brief in Kirtsaeng v. Wiley

Originally Posted On: Public Knowledge



Yesterday, Public Knowledge filed an amicus curiae brief in Supap Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons before the Supreme Court of the United States. In this brief, Public Knowledge urges the Supreme Court to order John Wiley & Sons, Inc., to pay Mr. Kirtsaeng’s attorney fees as a reward for defending the public’s right to resell lawfully purchased books.

The following can be attributed to Charles Duan, Director of the Patent Reform Project at Public Knowledge:

“Copyright is an exercise in balancing the interests of authors against the rights of the public to fairly use, resell, and improve upon copyrighted works. That balance is firmly established in the Constitution and the Supreme Court’s decisions.

“To establish the boundaries of what the we are allowed to do, the public depends on the courage of individuals, like Supap Kirtsaeng, who fight against an establishment of copyright holders to defend the public’s rights. There is a strong public interest in encouraging this type of publicly-beneficial litigation, and an award of Mr. Kirtsaeng’s attorney fees is the least we can do to encourage it.”

You may view this brief here.
