*This week is Fair Use Week, an annual celebration of the important doctrines of fair use and fair dealing. It is designed to highlight and promote the opportunities presented by fair use and fair dealing, celebrate successful stories, and explain these doctrines. Cross-posted from fairuseweek.org*
Check out all of the great posts from Day 2 of Fair Use Week 2016! Don’t see yours? Contact us to get yours added!
Brigham Young University: single-question quiz to test your understanding of whether Google Books is fair use
MIT Libraries, quiz to test your knowledge of how to weigh the four factors of fair use
UCLA Library, quiz on whether five famous works inspired by other sources are fair use or foul play (PDF)
Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA)
OverClocked ReMix, a fan community creating free video game music (VGM) arrangements, answers questions, especially questions about whether creating fan-made VGM remixes is fair use
Gerald Beasley, vice-provost and chief librarian at the University of Alberta, emphasizes the balance of rights in copyright, noting that access to copyrighted material is essential to scholarship because of the need to build upon works that came before
Gary Price, editor of infoDOCKET, and Peter Suber, director of the Harvard Open Access Project and the Harvard Office for Scholarly Communication, discuss key issues in the open access movement
Texas A&M University Libraries explains what fair use is and how the university libraries has empowered faculty to determine what is fair use in the context of their own classrooms
Ann Thornton, university librarian and vice provost of Columbia University, explains how fair use has contributed to allowing “quality” access to scholarly materials
University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries highlights its W. E. B. Du Bois collection as one of its special collections that it has digitized and made available online relying on fair use
University of New Brunswick Libraries presents an overview of the fair dealing provisions of the Canadian Copyright Act
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Libraries describes its consideration of fair use while digitizing its collection of postcards from the Great Smoky Mountains
University of Waterloo Library discusses what fair dealing is, why it matters, and campus resources for help using the fair dealing exception
Blog Posts
Stan Adams on Center for Democracy & Technology blog, “Fair Use in Art, Politics, and Babies Going Crazy”
Patricia Aufderheide on Center for Media & Social Impact Fair Use blog, “Fair Use Week: Plenty to Celebrate”
Hillary Corbett on Northeastern University Libraries SNELL Snippets blog, “February 22–26 is Fair Use Week!”
Krista Cox on Copyright at Harvard Library blog, “Thankful for Fair Use”
Nora Dethloff on Fair Use Week website, “Welcome to Fair Use Week 2016!”
Melissa Green on University of Alabama Libraries’ Academic Technologies blog, “Accessible Formats and Fair Use”
Julie Grob on University of Houston Libraries News blog, “Three Famous Fair Use Cases”
April Hathcock on At the Intersection blog, “Fair Use for Social Justice”
Janet Landay on College Art Association News blog, “CAA Celebrates National Fair Use Week”
Mayra Linares on Center for Media & Social Impact Fair Use blog, “How to Use Copyrighted Material in Your Work | Fair Use Week”
Russell McOrmond on his blog, “Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week”
Kathryn Michaelis on Georgia State University Library blog, “Fair Use: The Four Factors”
Meera Nair on Fair Duty blog, “Fair Use Denied—Part II”
Vicky Ludas Orlofsky on Stevens Library blog, “I Haz Rights! Memes and Fair Use”
Marta Palacio on Safe Creative blog, “¿Qué es el “Fair Use” y qué está pasando en YouTube?”
Carrie Russell on District Dispatch blog, “Fair Use Déjà Vu”
Peggy Tahir on UCSF Library In Plain Sight blog, “Fair Use Week, Day Two: Court Cases”
Timothy Vollmer on Creative Commons blog, “The Flip Side of Copyright”
Sara Maurice Whitver on University of Alabama Instruction Adventures blog, “How The Citation Project Helps Librarians Promote Fair Use”