Photo Credit: siriusrust


Re:Create Statement Following the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Markup of the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA)

Re:Create issued the following statement after the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA), S.1094, moved out of the Senate Judiciary Committee in a 14-7 vote:   “The JCPA would reward Big Media and hedge funds for cutting jobs and reducing circulation – without any accountability or transparency. Local journalism is vital to our country; despite Big Media lobbying talking points and…

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Re:Create Statement Ahead of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Markup of the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA)

Re:Create issued the following statement prior to the Senate Judiciary Committee’s markup of the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA), S.1094: “The JCPA is a handout for Big Media conglomerates and hedge funds at the expense of local and independent news. Re:Create urges the Committee to seriously consider the ways this legislation will hurt journalist jobs, incentivize misinformation and clickbait,…

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Big Media’s AI About-Face

Artificial intelligence (AI) underpins a vast swath of modern life. The software behind voice and facial recognition, ride-hail apps, navigation mapping and curated social media feeds are a tiny selection of AI powering everyday tools. AI integration is simply not as new as recent news coverage suggests. That is particularly true for the industry responsible for reporting on it: the…

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